Four of Ways to Rejuvenate Your Skin After a Long Winter

Four of Ways to Rejuvenate Your Skin After a Long Winter

Winter takes a toll on the body. It dries out the hair, the skin, and leaves you feeling exhausted. So, when spring rolls around, you are eager to get out and move about. Why not change how you feel before spring? This winter is long and is only going to keep going for a while. Why not take the time now and help your skin feel better? There are several ways of doing that. Here are some of our favorites.

BB Glow

If you want your skin to look radiant, then you want to start with BB Glow. This simple treatment can give your skin a softer feel and a new, glowing look. Your pores will be smaller, your skin will be smoother, and you will look healthier. It’s a great option to feel your best!

Plasma Skin Tightening

For those who are worried about looking older than they really are, plasma skin tightening can really help. It works on loose skin all around the body, and gives it a firmer feel and appearance. Try it on your knees or elbows, your eyes, or even your chin! The treatment leaves you feeling better for months at a time, and it is FDA approved.

Carboxy Therapy

Anyone wanting skin that looks younger and has a plumper appearance should consider carboxy therapy. It is quick and gives you results in a matter of minutes. It even gives the bonus that it can help detoxify the skin during the therapy, leaving your whole body feeling better when it is done. It is also an FDA-approved therapy.


When your goal is firmer skin that is tighter and has more tone, then you want ultherapy. It works to give you a younger appearance anywhere on the body where the skin is looser. It is also FDA approved, and can give you a benefit long after the therapy is done.

Want to find out more options that could give your skin a rejuvenated look and feel? Then contact Beauty and Body by Mia today. We can set up a time for you to come in and get whichever treatment you feel will best help your skin.

Discovering Exciting New Health and Physical Wellness Treatments

Discovering Exciting New Health and Physical Wellness Treatments

There are so many minimally or non-invasive beauty therapies available today for the first time. Long gone are the days of anything short of surgery having a noticeable and lasting effect. With some of these treatments you can even target specific parts of the body for improvement.

Perhaps you want something to firm up loose skin around your neck or chin. Some folks may be interested in getting rid of cellulite in a problem area. Still, others may be looking for something to brighten their skin tone and make it look and feel more youthful. Here are a few examples of some of the many exciting options available in this field:

Facial Therapies

For those who were interested in a more vibrant and youthful appearance, the BB Glow just might do the trick. It is a micro-needling treatment which smoothes out wrinkles and minimizes the appearance of pores. Additionally, the hyaluronic acid helps to give the skin a more plump texture and radiant glow. The effects of these therapies tend to last several months.

Body Therapies

People seek out body treatments many times for things that dieting and exercise don’t seem to help with. This includes small but stubborn amounts of weight such as 5 or 10 pounds. Love handles, muffin tops, upper arm cellulite, as well as thighs and buttocks are all common problem areas. Hair removal is another example.

Therapies like Liposonix use heat to melt cellulite away. Radiofrequency therapy can reshape fat more evenly across an area of your body. UC treatments melt fat down into a liquid which exits the body in the same way as all other liquids. Each of these is non-surgical.

Various Other Wellness Therapies

There are several other treatments that Body by Mia may be able to offer you, depending on what it is that you are looking for. Mesotherapy can help with everything from fat removal to facials to re-growing hair. Get in contact with us today to find out more about how we can help you achieve the look that you see when you look in the mirror.

At Home Skin Care Tips

At Home Skin Care Tips

The coronavirus pandemic has affected all of us and our daily life. I miss seeing and serving all of my clients! I know that when things feel hard or difficult, sometimes the best solution is routine. I’ve been diving into my own personal care routines daily, including skincare.

How have you been taking care of your skin while at home? It might be easy to let this piece of self-care take a back seat, but now is a perfect time to indulge in some pampering! I’ve been missing my clients and can’t wait to see everyone in person again, but in the meantime, let me help you get inspired to get your skin glowy and gorgeous.

Now that many of us are spending most of our time at home, makeup can be optional, and that’s a great thing for our skin! You can make the most of your lighter makeup routine by using some extra time to set a solid foundation of good overall skincare. Make sure you continue with your skincare routine for health; though it’s tempting to cut corners, it’s essential that you keep up with cleansing and nourishing routines that you know will keep your skin at its best. 

Favorite At Home Skin Care Products

If you’re looking to indulge in a treat to help bridge the gap until you can visit us again, I highly recommend Rodan + Fields products. They’re a brand I trust, and, as a bonus, you can order them to be delivered directly to your home. I especially love the Soothe products, since they help with sensitive skin or uneven skin tones. 

DIY Skin Treatments

If you’re looking for some great treatments to try at home, there are great resources on using oil for cleansing, new ways to optimize your face masks, and more. Make sure you take care when trying a new technique; though it can be fun, make sure that you don’t try anything too harsh or abrasive, particularly if you have sensitive skin. To stay safe, if you are trying a new product, do a test on a small patch of skin first.

Until we’re able to meet in person, make sure to stay connected! As soon as we are able, we’ll begin seeing clients, so stay in touch to make sure you set an appointment with me as soon as allowed.