4 Best Treatments for Sensitive Skin

4 Best Treatments for Sensitive Skin

If you suffer from sensitive skin, you’re familiar with the unfortunate dance of trying to find safe, effective products and treatments. Whether you’re acne prone, deal with eczema, or have some other condition, sometimes it seems like anything can set it off! Trying out new products may feel like walking through a mind field, and you might have spent your life avoiding skin treatments for fear of having a reaction. Fortunately, there are options out there even for those with the most sensitive skin. 

# 1 – Glo & Go Peels

These peels are excellent for people of all skin types. They’re safe, effective, and they work quickly, which makes them sound a bit miraculous. They are! These peels help remove old or dull skin and help with conditions like skin texture issues, sun damage, visible signs of aging, acne scarring, and more. 

#2 – OxyGeneo 3-in-1

OxyGeneo 3-in-1  is another fantastic option for people with sensitive skin. It’s safe for all skin types and focuses on three separate treatments – all rolled into one revitalizing session. With a special wand, it exfoliates, oxygenates, and infuses the skin with much-needed vitamins and nutrients. 

#3 – Hydrating Treatments

When you have sensitive skin, it’s best to focus on treatments that hydrate and calm skin. Otherwise, you risk causing a flare-up or reaction. That eliminates most standard peels, treatments with a high number of actives, and probably most injectables or semi-invasive approaches. 

Luckily, there’s no shortage of hydrating choices out there, like Definisse Hydrobooster. Set up a consultation today to discuss hydrating and calming treatments. 

#4 – Juvéderm® Hydrate

As mentioned above, injectables tend to be on the chopping block for those with sensitive skin. Juvéderm® Hydrate is one exception. These injections contain all sorts of things that even those with sensitive skin need, including hyaluronic acid and mannitol. 

The fillers are long-lasting, too, and you may go as long as six months without needing another treatment. That’s good news for the sensitive skin gang. Juvéderm® Hydrate is excellent at repairing dehydrated skin, which may offer a reprieve for certain skin conditions. 


You don’t have to forego all treatment options just because you have sensitive skin. Enjoy the refreshing, cleansing feeling of a gentle peel, or give your thirsty skin a big dose of hydration. Never be afraid to ask questions, either! If you’re concerned about an ingredient or something that doesn’t feel right during your appointment, speak up. At the end of the day, you deserve for your skin to look and feel great! Contact Beauty and Body By Mia to learn more today!

The Best Peels for Summer

The Best Peels for Summer

Your skin needs a lot of care if it’s going to continue to look its best and provide the protection that you need. One of the ways that people care for their skin is to have peels done, which remove old, dead skin cells and expose the fresh, youthful skin underneath. There are several types of peels available, including chemical peels, organic peels, and many others. 

The type of peel that you choose will depend on the results that you are hoping to obtain and the type of skin issues you have. If it is during the summer months, you may be advised to choose a less harsh option to protect your skin from the risk of unnecessary damage due to exposure. Otherwise, it’s perfectly safe to get a peel whenever you need one. 

Not sure what to choose? Here are some great summer peels that will rejuvenate and refresh your skin for the beautiful outdoor weather. 

The Best Summer Peels

Glo & Go Peels: These peels are designed for people who are short on time. Using a specially designed paste is applied to the skin to remove imperfections, fix texture issues, and reveal youthful, healthy skin. They’re even a good choice for people with sensitive skin, making them a top choice. 

Other great peels for summer include:

  • Lactic peels, which come from milk and are better for sensitive skin
  • Beta peels, great for acne and oil control 
  • Vitalize peels, which are based on citric acid refresh the skin
  • Retinol peels, a form of vitamin A that encourages the growth of new skin cells

Are Summer Peels Safe?

What about the people who say peels are bad for the summer? Well, there’s a bit of truth there, but nothing that can’t be resolved with some caution. Here’s the scoop. 

Peels, by nature, remove the top layer(s) of your skin to remove the fresh, more youthful, flawless layers underneath. This can reduce the appearance of signs of aging and help you look and feel rejuvenated. 

However, this also means that you have fresh skin that is much more sensitive that’s now exposed to the elements. You’ll want to invest in a high-quality moisturizing sunscreen so that you can protect the beautiful skin you’ve just uncovered. As long as you do that, you should be good. 

As always, consult with Beauty and Body by Mia to ensure that you get the best solutions for your skin type, concerns, and other needs.