Discovering Exciting New Health and Physical Wellness Treatments

Discovering Exciting New Health and Physical Wellness Treatments

There are so many minimally or non-invasive beauty therapies available today for the first time. Long gone are the days of anything short of surgery having a noticeable and lasting effect. With some of these treatments you can even target specific parts of the body for improvement.

Perhaps you want something to firm up loose skin around your neck or chin. Some folks may be interested in getting rid of cellulite in a problem area. Still, others may be looking for something to brighten their skin tone and make it look and feel more youthful. Here are a few examples of some of the many exciting options available in this field:

Facial Therapies

For those who were interested in a more vibrant and youthful appearance, the BB Glow just might do the trick. It is a micro-needling treatment which smoothes out wrinkles and minimizes the appearance of pores. Additionally, the hyaluronic acid helps to give the skin a more plump texture and radiant glow. The effects of these therapies tend to last several months.

Body Therapies

People seek out body treatments many times for things that dieting and exercise don’t seem to help with. This includes small but stubborn amounts of weight such as 5 or 10 pounds. Love handles, muffin tops, upper arm cellulite, as well as thighs and buttocks are all common problem areas. Hair removal is another example.

Therapies like Liposonix use heat to melt cellulite away. Radiofrequency therapy can reshape fat more evenly across an area of your body. UC treatments melt fat down into a liquid which exits the body in the same way as all other liquids. Each of these is non-surgical.

Various Other Wellness Therapies

There are several other treatments that Body by Mia may be able to offer you, depending on what it is that you are looking for. Mesotherapy can help with everything from fat removal to facials to re-growing hair. Get in contact with us today to find out more about how we can help you achieve the look that you see when you look in the mirror.

Fat Dissolving Mesotherapy Injections

Fat Dissolving Mesotherapy Injections

There have been some incredible advancements in the field of cosmetic medicine in the last several years. Beauty and anti-aging treatments are offering better results and lasting longer. One of the most amazing procedures has to do with fat loss.

Mesotherapy injections can provide quick and dramatic improvements in weight and body shape in a short amount of time. It can also be a part of a more significant overall transformation by developing a simple treatment regimen.

What Exactly Is Mesotherapy/LipoDissolve?

Mesotherapy uses FDA approved medications such as Phosphatidylcholine deoxycholate (PCDC) to dissolve fat and cellulite. These practices have been in effect in France and other parts of Europe for years and are just now becoming more popular here in the United States.

How Does It Work?

Initially invented in the early 1950s and used as a vascular disorder treatment, after that, it was discovered that with slight variations, it could be used as a chronic pain medication, hair loss deterrent, and ever a few others. More recently, it has proven to be highly effective in fat removal.

Fat Dissolving Mesotherapy Injections

The procedure is straightforward; multiple tiny micro-injections are performed in the target area. The medicine then hardens the fat cells in the body, causing them to break and shatter. From there, they are removed from the body through its natural processes.

What Are Some of the Areas It Works On?

Mesotherapy can be effective on several different parts of your body. One of the great things about this treatment is the fact that the most common problem areas can usually be addressed. Here are just a few of them:

  • Thighs
  • Love handles
  • Upper arms
  • Double chin
  • Lower and upper abs

If you think that Mesotherapy treatments might be something you would be interested in or even if you just have a few questions, please feel free to give us a call anytime here at Beauty and Body by Mia. We will gladly address all inquiries, as well as to help you get set up for an appointment if it’s something that you decide to do. One call could be the start of you loving your body even more.

What to Expect From My Chemical Peel Treatment

What to Expect From My Chemical Peel Treatment

Your skin and complexion can take a beating in Chicagoland weather. Blustery winds in the winter and bright sun in the summertime can leave your face looking dull and drab. If you are ready to brighten up your skin, reduce signs of aging, and even reduce imperfections like hyperpigmentation, chemical peel treatments are an excellent place to start.

If you have never had a chemical peel, you may feel nervous about the process. When you choose to work with Beauty and Body by Mia, you can rest assured that we will put you at ease, make the experience comfortable, and give you the very best results.

Before Your Peel

Whether you choose a Retinol Vitamin C peel or a Glo and Go treatment, you will begin preparing for your treatment about one week prior to your appointment. You’ll be asked to discontinue any use of Retinols, Vitamin A creams, or Retin A about 5 days before your appointment. Skip shaving, waxing, or threading as well in the treatment area. Continue using your sunscreen and makeup as normal.

During Your Peel

During your appointment, you won’t feel any discomfort aside from tingling or slight stinging. Your appointment will be relatively short and we will be sure to leave plenty of time to review with your any post-treatment instructions. You’ll have a post-treatment skin care kit that you will use instead of your normal skin care regimen for 5-10 days. You may notice that immediately after treatment your skin feels smooth and tight; this is normal.

After Your Peel

Once you have returned home from your appointment, don’t wash your face for at least 8 hours. Your skin will likely begin to peel within 2-3 days. Everyone is different, and some people may not peel at all while others will peel around days 5-7. Never force the peel by picking or sloughing off the skin on your own.

Finally, for the best results, we encourage clients to schedule another treatment in three weeks.

If you are ready to experience the results from a professional chemical peel, now is the time to call Beauty and Body by Mia. Contact us today to schedule your appointment or talk about your options.

Would a MedSpa Treatment Work for You?

Would a MedSpa Treatment Work for You?

The new year is full of promise and is the perfect time to try something new. If you have ever wondered if a medspa treatment could be right for you, Beauty and Body by Mia has compiled some benefits and considerations to keep in mind before scheduling your first appointment. 2020 could be the year you fall in love with the results that follow a treatment with Mia!

Your Complexion is Dull

Chicagoland winters are harsh and your skin could be paying the price. Medspa treatments are designed to provide more noticeable and sustainable results than a typical spa-like facial. Try one of our BB Glow Express treatments to see your true complexion shine through.

You Aren’t Feeling Confident

At Beauty and Body by Mia, we believe all our clients are beautiful. However, some of them come to an appointment not feeling as confident as they would like to. A medspa treatment can be just the boost of confidence you need to pursue your promotion, start a new relationship, or feel like yourself again.

You’d Like to Give a Feature a Boost

Medspa treatments can be highly focused, giving specific facial or body features a boost. Make your lashes look amazing with a Lash Lift treatment, your lips look plump with a Hyaluron injection, or get rid of cellulite on your thighs with Lipomassage. Just call with your goal or your problem and let’s work together to develop a treatment plan just for you.

You Want to Try Something New

Our Medspa treatments are affordable, comfortable, and successful. Even better, you can find the services of Beauty and Body by Mia throughout Chicagoland. It’s the perfect way to try something new this year, and give yourself the gift of confidence to carry throughout the next twelve months.

Contact us today to get started.